Typing web is online based typing tutor that can be integrated into the classroom for a yearly fee between $74 and $2,500. There is a free online account that anyone can sign up for, but for my purposes I would look at purchasing a hosted option for my school.
For our 7th graders and some high school students, we offer classes that require the students to learn how to type. We currently use an application called MasterKey which works well but is limited to being used on only our network and only during the hours of school. Using this application we can allow our students to work on lessons any time of the day or night. This is really helpful for those students who are not as proficient as some of the advanced individuals.

Some of the features that would retain interest from the students include customizing themes and online games. I find that my 7th graders do best on lessons when I allow them to play a game that is built into our current system called para typer. Being an all boys school, the students get very competitive and focus in on the lesson they are working on. I also find that my students get more excited about lessons and projects when you give them the ability to customize it and make it their own. The first thing they do when we begin our PowerPoint lesson is to apply a theme and customize their project. I think having the ability to change the backgrounds and customize the look of their typing program will keep them interested and allow them to change at any time.
From the management perspective, typing web has some very advanced tools. As admin, some of the tools available are:
- Edit and customize lessons
- View detailed graphs and stats on your students
- Administer accounts all from a web browser
- Internaly message students to their individual inbox
- Reports, reports, reports. Track and manage progress

I have already contacted this company and have every intention of integrating this into our curriculum next year.
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I would love to hear the results in the long-term on your relationship with the company, as well as teacher and student responses. Great job!